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Raw Artichokes and Parmesan Salad or Insalata di Carciofi crudi e Parmigiano

How to prepare the real Italian recipe of Raw Artichokes Salad with slices of Parmesan or “Insalata di Carciofi crudi e scaglie di Parmigiano”


If you love artichokes and you can buy them fresh, tender and of the best quality during the winter season, this salad will be marvelous, a perfect combination of flavors, great for every occasion as an appetizer or as a side dish. Artichokes are a superfood in every sense of the word. The phytonutrients in artichokes provide potent antioxidant benefit. Artichokes, as well as artichoke extracts from the leaves and stems of the plant have been historically recommended for liver health. This salad is a vegetarian dish with a strong personality, and we simply love it!

Ingredients for 4 people

  • 6 Artichokes
  • 2 Lemons
  • Slices of Parmesan Cheese
  • Aceto balsamico di Modena, q.b
  • 5 Tablespoons of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Salt and Pepper as you prefer


  1. Cut the lemons and squeeze the juice. Wash the artichokes, and cut the stalks (keeping them on the side for other preparations) and cut the leaves, use only the inside of the artichoke, where the leaves start to become greener and softer. You need the most tender leaves.
  2. Private the artichokes of the pins or spikes, which are also hard. With a sharp knife, slice the vegetables into slices the thickness of a few millimeters. While cutting them, put them in a bowl and moisten immediately with lemon juice to prevent blackening.
  3. Roll out the artichokes sprayed with lemon on a serving plate as if serving a plate of “carpaccio” or raw meat, adjust with salt, pepper, add a few drops of balsamic vinegar, wet the dish with the best quality of Extra-virgin olive oil. Finish decorating the surface with slices of parmesan. Lovely!

Posted by Nicoletta and Tiziana

The Real Italian Food. Buon Appetito!


insalata di carciofi e parmigiano


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